Concrete is said to be reinforced when steel is used along with concrete in combination. That reinforcement gives concrete strength against its weakness I.e. tensile strength, but there are some drawbacks also of that reinforcement. Some are listed as;
- First and the main factor that increase the cost of your normal project is the “time of construction”. Construction time increases in case of reinforcement.
- Reinforced concrete can corrode easily because of the presence of steel. Steel is heterogeneous material while concrete is a homogeneous material. Therefore, if both materials will be used in combination than quality control will be very difficult.
- Due to reinforcement, probability of cracking in concrete increases, because of shrinkage and creep in freshly lay concrete and hardened concrete.
- If spacing in aggregates will not be proper, then weak links increases in between steel and concrete and now if either steel or concrete fails then whole structure will be failed.